Creating Kindness One Story at a time
Meet the Mutts

CritterKin Books
There are currently three CritterKin books in print with another on the way.
Meet the Mutts
Welcome to the CritterKin world of mixed breed mutts where eight goofy dogs and their wise human pack leader, Ms. Jenaia. Together they embark on giggle producing adventures and tackle tough issues like being different, bullying and fear. By the time you reach the rollicking conclusion at the CritterKin dog park, you and your children will be smiling from ear to ear. Ideal for children six and older, and for any adult who is young at heart. To purchase:
Lead With Your Heart
Told through the eyes of a goofy, fun-loving pit bull named Lance, Lead With Your Heart is the story of how one dog overcomes prejudice and fear to find his forever home. Lance's adventures involve everything from obedience training and spaghetti sauce to visits to the principal's office. But no matter what the challenge, Lance always leads with his heart. Kids and adults alike will chuckle over his struggle to understand vacuum cleaners, cell phones and shoes, and cheer as he learns to overcome his enemy's fear. Lead With the Heart is a story for all ages that will leave everyone smiling. To purchase:
The Not Perfect Hat Club
The Not Perfect Hat Club is the story of three perfectionists – an elderly dog, a skateboarding slam poet, and a classical violinist. Together they set out on an adventure that teaches them kindness, respect for differences, the ins and outs of a new game called, "Flyball." Along the way they become the very best of friends.
Click on the PDF below to learn more about how I learned that kids feel they must be perfect and what can be done about it.
Guest blog for Education Week
“I am excited to see this project unfold both as an educator, and as a mom. I want our children to know that learning is messy, to appreciate the journey, to revel in the process, rather than limit their focus to outcomes or products. As adults, I hope that this project will help us develop the courage to take risks, try new things and be vulnerable.” – Christina Luce, parent and K-6 Instructional Technology Specialist at Liverpool Central Schools, NY
"I'll do everything I can to support you. I love your message." - Brett Salakas, primary school teacher, parent, and founder of #AussieEd, the largest network of teachers in Australia
“We love you and the message you are sharing with the world." - Monica Evon, Wife, Mom, 4th Grade Teacher at Bellevue Elementary School, NE
"I just received your email. How exciting! I feel so honored that you would like me to be a part of your wonderful project! Thank you so much for thinking of me." - Debby Call, teacher
"I have loved your mission from the first time I was introduced to it! Everything you do and are involved with is everything I love! I've always had a need to connect with those in need whether it be people or animals! My belief is that everyone has a purpose, no matter how small that purpose may be.
"The Not Perfect Hat Club speaks to me because no one is perfect yet we can all be perfect, in a perfectly not perfect way! This is the essence of what you do. You make everyone perfect in their own unique way! I love you for this!" - Deb Aubin, special ed teacher
"This sounds exciting and so terribly important to give our students the "space" they need to grow in their own way and not seek Perfection and at times unattainable "standards." - Faige Meller, retired teacher
"Oh, Jena. I LOVE your site, and your video and the idea behind this book. So needed and so beautifully done. The site is awesome, and you come across, in the video, like the teacher or "storytime lady" that my son would have adored when he was little. So friendly and fun. Wonderful!" - Kathy Sena, teacher
"This project - The Not Perfect Hat Club - looks to define #GlobalClassrooms in 2014 -15. I hope to involve my school." - Michael Graffin, Co-founder of The Global Classroom Project
"Of course we love you and the message you are sharing with the world." - Monica Evon
"I LOVE this! I've already talked to my kids about being Not Perfect and will get photos of them in their hats Friday." - Maria Mayer, teacher
"I'm excited about your project and would like to join in. I ran the Not Perfect Hat Club by Ana after the meeting and she LOVED how it all tied in. Yay! I always feel so much better about projects/adventures, etc.. when I have her backing me." - Erin Preder, school librarian
"Tom and I would probably be up for just about anything. We are very committed to education and our darling Chloe. We are delighted to be part of this project!" - Whitney and Tom Kilgore, teachers
"The NPHC speaks to my heart. I began my blog to promote my special ed students who work so hard and are often forgotten. CritterKins and the NPHC will be giving them their chance to shine! No pun intended, they can be the top dogs at WCSD!!! I am very excited for them. So, I thank you wholeheartedly for this wonderful opportunity." - Debby Aubin, special ed teacher
“I am excited to see this project unfold both as an educator, and as a mom. I want our children to know that learning is messy, and that while striving to do one’s best is important, perfection is not. I want our children to appreciate the journey, to revel in the process, rather than limit their focus to the outcome or product. I want our children to grow up with curiosity and wonder, and to understand that creativity is within all of us, and can be expressed in a multitude of ways. As adults, I hope that this project will help us develop the courage to take risks, to try something new and to be vulnerable. Together, we are “perfectly, not perfect.”
– Christina Luce, parent and K-6 Instructional Technology Specialist at Liverpool Central Schools, NY
“After teaching for over 12 years, one of the things that has bothered me the most is the amount of stress that students feel. Many feel that they have to be “perfect” in school or else they will get bad grades or not get into college. Some students never speak up in class because they are afraid they will “look stupid” if they say something that isn’t “perfect”. Other students have difficulty developing meaningful friendships and have low self-esteem because they are afraid they are not as “perfect” as others. Unfortunately, I have seen this stress destroy creativity and innovation in the classroom for fear of failure, many students who are wonderful people with many strengths feeling like they are below average, and I have seen many students go through their days without connecting with other students or adults. These are all unacceptable and something needs to be done to stop them.” - Erin Preder, school librarian
"My writer friend, Jena Ball, has a terrific new children's book and a wonderful website. Check out this adorable video. Is she not the teacher or librarian you would have always wished for as a child? I Love this."
- Kathy Sena, teacher