Meet My Avatar - Jenaia Morane
I like to say that Jenaia* represents the best of me in both worlds - physical and virtual. I've learned so much about myself - my creativity, how I relate to others, and what's possible when physical limitations are set aside - that I would never have learned any other way. I am grateful.
In the sections below you will learn about some of the work I've done and what I am working on now. If you are curious and have a hankering to learn more about what it takes to become an avatar, drop me a line. I also write regularly about my adventures and share the stories of others, so reach out if you have a story to share. I just might publish it!
* Jenaia = Jena (my first life name) + Naia the Hawaiian word for dolphin and the nickname my Hawaiian friends gave me.

Presentation for International Gaming Conference
Links in Presentation
Veteran Civilian Dialogues
Jane McGonigal - Gaming Can Make a Better World
We Stand in the Middle
We Stand in the Middle is a reimagining and expansion of "The Uncle D Story Quest" built in 2010 to educate the public about HIV/AIDS. This new version is both much more immersive and follows the narrative of a novel by the same name. To see the video made about the build go to https://vimeo.com/channels/dworlds/931701653
To read the novel as it unfolds, visit https://whalesinmybackyard.substack.com/p/we-stand-in-the-middle-24?r=13nlz
Each year we host World AIDS day in the tree with speakers and live concerts. Within this space participants can learn about HIV and AIDS, treatments, testing, and support for those living with the virus.
Cherry Blossom Tree
The cherry blossom tree holds the Cherry Blossom stage where concert goers can experience live music while dancing beneath falling cherry blossoms.
Best Seat in the House
Visitors climb a rope up to the tree where they take a seat to watch the sun go down. It is a breathtaking and restful sight!
We Orange the World
"We Orange the World" (OTW) is a UN Women initiative. UN Women is a global champion for gender equality, working to develop and uphold standards and create an environment in which every woman and girl can exercise her human rights and live up to her full potential. Each year women gather in Second Life to celebrate and raise funds to support OTW. To learn more visit https://www.unwomen.org/en/what-we-do/ending-violence-against-women/unite/toolkit

Star Fall
A stunning live music venue built of semi-opaque sea glass. Visitors can dance, sit beneath the trees, and watch as stars fall around them during live music concerts.

Winterfall Stage
Winter Fall was originally created to celebrate the life of a beloved friend but continues to offer a beautiful and relaxing space for live concerts to be held.
Songs for Ukraine
When Russia invaded Ukraine the residents of Second Life gathered to raise funds for relief efforts and increase awareness of the crisis at live music concerts. To learn more about our efforts see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I1HZm2mAV5k

The AIDS Quilt
Developed in 2010 as part of the National Library of Medicine's efforts to educate the general public about HiV/AIDS while debunking stigmas and allaying fears the quilt contained 60 3D rooms in which organizations and individuals crafted the stories of those who lived with HIV/AIDS.

Arbors at Braided Lives
Arbors is part of the Braided Lives sim in Second Life. Located at ground level, there are seven enormous trees, each with a theme and unique adventures to be explored as well as several venues where live music concerts are routinely held.
Tree of Poetic License
The largest and central tree at Arbors which hosts all kinds of gatherings - poetry readings, writing workshops, live music, smores and marshmallow roasts around the campfire, and slow dances among the trees. It's truly magical.
Tree of Hugs
The tree of hugs was begun at the start of the COVID pandemic as a way to commemorate those we've lost to both HIV/AIDS and COVID. To date more than 3,500 names have been added.
History of Us Tree
This tree is filled with images from all the projects I've worked on throughout my 16 years in Second Life. It also celebrates the many wonderful people who have shaped my journey and offers a HUD that will allow you to easily teleport to each of the trees and builds.
Oracle Tree
Here visitors can consult the oracle and spend time at each of the scrying bowls which ask questions designed to help wisdom seekers on their journeys of spiritual enlightenment.
International Women's Day
On March 8, 1975 the world began celebrating International Women's Day. The focus of the day is the women's rights movement. IWD gives focus to issues such as gender equality, reproductive rights, and violence and abuse against women. The first IWD was held at Braided Lives in 2022.
The Haunted Seas
​Overseen by Poseidon standing on the stage holding his trident, the Haunted Seas venue is both a place to explore (with dolphins, undersea caves, a treasure chest full of free gifts, and yes a scary Kraken), and a place to hold live music concerts and meetings.

Song Flight
Song Flight is a global program designed to help children displaced by war. It consists of stories, creative activities, and in-person meetings that foster kindness, respect for differences, and emotional intelligence. To learn more and see videos from the program visit https://songflight.substack.com
The Poetry Garden
Participants were sent to places throughout Second Life to explore and write poems about their experiences. At the end of each quest a live reading was held. Poems were published on panels in the garden that formed a spiral.
Smith and Nephew - Prototyping Manufacturing Models
Smith & Nephew is one of the world's largest and most innovative medical manufacturing companies. It approached us about using 3D worlds to model proposed changes to their manufacturing plants, host geodistributed meetings with employees and test Kanban organization systems.

The Healthful Aging Through Lifelong Learning Conference
From Monday, May 15, 2023 to Sunday, May 21, 2023, the Ageless Mind Project (AMP) and its virtual world partner Whole Brain Health (WBH), hosted a conference on healthful aging through lifelong learning. My role was to create the artwork, calendar of events and interview each of the presenters at the conference. To learn more, see videos from the conference, and read the interviews visit https://open.substack.com/pub/agelessmindproject/p/nothing-lasts-forever
US Bank - Prototyping
Banks of the Future
One of avatars we designed for a US Bank manager for use to role play proposed changes to have bank employees interact with and provide services to customers. We built and then tested how banks would look and perform with upper management at US Bank.

Veteran Civilian Dialogues
The Veteran - Civilian Dialogue is a comprehensive and replicable program that works to empower veterans to fully re-integrate into civilian society and educate civilians about the unique needs and strengths of returning military personnel. The first virtual Veteran-Civilian Dialogue was held on September 17, 2010 in the virtual world of Second Life.