Below are the images we've created to send as postcards. More are coming and suggestions are welcome. Instructions on how to order are at the bottom of the page.
Savage Voices - Amazon
Savage Voices - I will not lower my voice
Suggested Quotes for you to use when writing to postcard recipients (NOT printed on the card):
"Each time a woman stands up for herself, she stands up for all women." - Maya Angelou
"Hope is a very unruly emotion." - Gloria Steinam
Order 1 Amazon Postcard:
Order 10 Amazon Postcards:
Savage Voices - Savage Voices
Savage Voices - The logo
Suggested Quotes for you to use when writing to postcard recipients (NOT printed on the card):
“I'm like a falling star who's finally found her place next to another in a lovely constellation.” ― Amy Tan
“Courage is the price that life exacts for granting peace.” — Amelia Earhart, “Courage”​
Order 1 Postcard:
Order 10 Postcards:
Savage Voices - I Dissent
Savage Voices - I Dissent
Suggested Quotes for you to use when writing to postcard recipients (NOT printed on the card):
“You must never be fearful about what you are doing when it’s right.” — Rosa Parks”
“You are powerful and your voice matters.” — Kamala Harris
Order 1 I Dissent Crossed Arms Postcards:
Order 10 I Dissent Crossed Arms Postcards:
Savage Voices - Battleborn
Savage Voices - Battle Born
Suggested Quotes for you to use when writing to postcard recipients (NOT printed on the card):
“I am no longer accepting the things I cannot change. I am changing the things I cannot accept.” — Angela Davis
“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.” — Helen Keller
Order 1 Postcards:
Order 10 Postcards:
Savage Voices - Difficult Woman
Savage Voices - Difficult Woman
Suggested Quotes for you to use when writing to postcard recipients (NOT printed on the card):
“Well-behaved women seldom make history.” — Laurel Thatcher
“Don’t mistake politeness for lack of strength.” — Sonia Sotomayor
Order 1 "Difficult Woman" Postcard:
Order 10 "Difficult Woman" Postcards:
Savage Voices - I Dissent V2
Savage Voices - I Dissent V2
Suggested Quotes for you to use when writing to postcard recipients (NOT printed on the card):
“With fear for our democracy, I dissent.” - Mary Trump
“‘I ask no favor for my sex. All I ask of our brethren is that they take their feet off our necks.” - RBG
Order 1 "I Dissent II" Postcard:
Order 10 "I Dissent II" Postcards:
Savage Voices - The Power of Love

Savage Voices - The Power of Love
Suggested Quotes for you to use when writing to postcard recipients (NOT printed on the card):
“You can choose courage or you can choose comfort. You can't choose both.” - Brene Brown
“Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud.” - Maya Angelou
Order 1 "Power of Love" Postcars:
Order 10 "Power of Love" Postcards:
Savage Voices - Yes We KAM!
Savage Voices - FREEDOM!
Suggested Quotes for you to use when writing to postcard recipients (NOT printed on the card):
“What kind of country to we want to live in?” - Kamala Harris
“Winners Don't Quit on Themselves." - Beyonce
Order 1 FREEDOM Postcard:
Order 10 FREEDOM Postcards:
Savage Voices - What You See Versus What You Get
Savage Voices - Equine Elocution
Quotes for you to use when writing to postcard recipients (NOT printed on the card):
“If you still have passion and if you haven’t become cynical and you’ve remained open to life, then no matter how old you are chronologically, you’re still young.” - Jane Fonda
“I’m so much more interesting now, as a soon-to-be-50-year-old woman, than I was at 25."- Regina King
Order 1"Equine Elocution" Postcard:
Order 10 "Equine Elocution" Postcards:
Savage Voices - Harris 2024
Savage Voices - OOPS!
Suggested Quotes for you to use when writing to postcard recipients (NOT printed on the card):
“Vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation.” - Brene Brown
“I believe that change comes from the bottom, not the top." - Gloria Steinem
Order 1 "OOPS!" Postcard:
Order 10 "OOPS!" Postcards:
Savage Voices - Childless Cat Ladies
Savage Voices - I Run With Wolves
Suggested Quotes for you to use when writing to postcard recipients (NOT printed on the card):
“I am everything I have ever loved." - Toni Morrison
“You're Going to Hear Me Roar!" - Katie Perry
Order 1 "I Run with Wolves" Postcard:
Order 10 "I Run With Wolves!" Postcards:
How to Order

There are order links beneath each of the different designs. Each postcard can be ordered singularly (1 piece) or in a pack of 10.
Questions? Email JenaBall at CritterKin dot com